Honor Code

The MIT Bootcamp will be dynamic and intensive. In a compressed, simulated environment, you experience the rigors of early-stage innovation. It will be stressful at times: time pressures, team dynamics and interpersonal issues, having to make decisions with incomplete information.

Coping with and managing this multifaceted and fluctuating intensity is foundational to your learning journey.

There are principles of mindset and behavior that are essential to making your "stress-test" positive and productive. We ask you to pledge to abide by these principles as a prerequisite to your entry to this Bootcamp journey.

  1. Positive Intent: I will assume that my fellow students, teammates, coaches, faculty, instructors, speakers, and the entire Bootcamp team at large act with positive intent. I will assume that they care about and work toward my learning, even if I may not fully understand or agree with their perceived intentions at first. I will look forward to discussing and resolving misunderstandings. I will allow myself to change through the experience. I will listen to my peers with an open mind and I will remember that true listening is the willingness to change.
  2. Mutual Respect: I will treat my fellow students, teammates, coaches, faculty, speakers, the entire Bootcamp team at large, and, importantly, myself with utmost respect. I will not use offensive or inappropriate language in any form of communication. I will maintain and encourage healthy, positive, constructive, and uplifting communication throughout the course journey.
  3. People Over Papers: I will put people over credentials. From students to faculty, Bootcamps bring together a diverse group of people with a range of cultures, backgrounds, experience, credentials, and accomplishments. Because of these different contexts and the above principles, I will not rely on credentials or “seniority” to make my points, but rather my specific thinking, evidence, and experiences. For example, I will use language such as, “When I started my first company, we did x, y, z, and found a, b, c” rather than, “I am a serial entrepreneur, so we need to do it my way.”
  4. Team First: I will make decisions in the Bootcamp based, first and foremost, on the interest of my team. I will choose to favor and follow what's best for the team, understanding that at times, what is in the best interest of the team may be different than what is best for me.
  5. A Promise is a Promise: I will abide by the time commitment required by the MIT Bootcamp. I understand this commitment and will prepare for it. In the absence of understandable extenuating circumstances, which do occur, I will do my very best to meet the commitment despite the expected challenges.

While at the Bootcamp, we follow MIT policies and procedures regarding relations and responsibilities within the community. Please review MIT policies for further detail, especially those concerning Nondiscrimination, Racist Conduct, Harassment and Consensual sexual or romantic relationships in the academic environment.

MIT Bootcamps reserves the right to remove any individual who violates the above principles from the Bootcamp.